Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain-Security Testing Technologies

Project duration: October 2010 - June 2013

DIAMONDS will enable efficient and automated security testing methods of industrial relevance for highly secure systems in multiple domains (incl. e.g. banking, transport or telecommunication). As pointed out by the Software Engineering Institute, U.S., 2009: “The security of a software-intensive system is directly related to the quality of its software”. In particular, over 90% of software security incidents are caused by attackers exploiting known software defects. DIAMONDS addresses this increasing need for systematic security testing methods by developing techniques and tools that can efficiently be used to secure networked applications in different domains.


DIAMONDS will leverage systematic, model-based testing and monitoring approaches for security testing to enable highly secure systems by early testing and test automation. Advanced model-based security testing methods will allow the early identification of design vulnerabilities and efficient system/test design targeting security aspects.